
Time and location:   31 May 2025

InterFaith – Run for a United World a.s.b.l.
R.C.S. Luxembourg F 10.699.

Patronage: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and the Cardinal and Archbishop of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Hollerich

Participants: Any ordained minister, representative or committed staff of any world religion and world view

– Relay marathon (as from 7.2 km)*
– Half-marathon (21.0975 km)
– Marathon (42.195 km)

*You can register for the relay marathon alone. We will arrange a team.

If not otherwise mentioned the rules of the ING Night Marathon Luxembourg 2025 apply.

Photographs will be taken at this event. By submitting your registration you grant the organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the aims of InterFaith – Run for a United World. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. If you do not wish to be photographed please inform the organizers (

Data protection (General Data Protection Regulation):
The data collected in the registration form will be securely stored by “InterFaith – Run for a United World” a.s.b.l. and – if necessary – passed on to “ING Night Marathon Luxembourg” (step by step S.A.) for registration for the ING Night Marathon Luxembourg.
Participants’ names and places of residence will be published on the Internet to facilitate car sharing. By registering, the participants agree to this.

Responsible: “InterFaith – Run for a United World” A.s.b.l., 84, av.Gaston Diderich, L-1420 Luxembourg
Contact person: Ingo Hanke (Chairman)
Processing activities: Member administration, administration of runners’ data and data of hosts.
Description of the categories of persons and categories concerned
personal data: Members, runners, hosts
Description of the categories of recipients to whom the personal data are disclosed: Runner data will be passed on to step by step S.A. when registering for the ING Night Marathon Luxembourg. Member’s data – where required by law – will be forwarded to the Luxembourg Register of Associations (RCS Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés).

Additionally we offer:
– Free  food & lodging in host families if desired (provided registration in time). Maximum two nights.
– Pasta-Party on Friday evening

– free InterFaith T-Shirt
– Commemorative medal for all participants
– A trophee for the fastest runners
– Certificate of participation for all runners

Entry fees (all prices include an InterFaith t-shirt):

Marathon 88,- Euro incl. MikaTag® timer, InterFaith medal and t-shirt

Half marathon 72,- Euro incl. MikaTag® timer, InterFaith medal and t-shirt

Team Run
37,- Euro per participant incl. MikaTag® timer, InterFaith medal and t-shirt

The fee should be transferred now to the following account:
InterFaith – Run for a United World asbl
Reference “Interfaith 2025”
IBAN: LU85 1111 7365 6443 0000